Friday 15 September 2023


a strand connects us to each other
as invisible as gravity between masses
as tenuous as atmosphere as molecules of air

separate but bound in motion
shaking with energy

like a fist in an empty glove
© BH, 2023

I was working on a ‘science’ poem for a submission opportunity. The general drift of that was magnetism and electricity - in a low-carbon world. The illustration of the conceptual basis of it was some diagrams about Hysteresis.

What I drew from it, after, a small amount of research, was that in physics and biology there are feedback loops which determine how things work now based on how they worked before. In other words the past conditions the present.

Anyway, the poem got written and will end up submitted soon. However, this one initial set of lines was not quite there. On their own, though, I thought they might just work.

You decide…

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