Monday 7 June 2021


no name no pack drill
no loss
the poem goes unpublished

letters in the post
nothing but yesterday’s news
arrive in silence
words in chains words unread

no name no sentence
the poet
is still unknown 
unpunished for slurs of speech
shaky metre tired phrases

no name no entry
no catalogues
no indices
will find the words again

no implication of place
nor origin
the poem remains 
unlisted and unmade

no name no table
to square its sense

memory alone does not recite
its string of sounds nor say what 
it was or might have been
because untitled
it could not give itself a name
© BH, 2021

I often wondered how you could find a poem again if it had no name, was not stored somewhere – on paper or on a device – if it had no category or designation. Would it just be a jumble of random words or just not exist?
I have poems in the head that went that way. And some, I was sure I’d filed but were nowhere to be found whenever I looked for them.

The image includes a rendering of Untitle 1941 By Wassily Kandinsky and a couple of old muckers from a different if no less distant, past.

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