Monday 30 November 2020

you or I

you or I
speak of truth

but write only
of ourselves

our heads
spawn the words
our hearts dispose

crucibles of ideas
lines of argument
last lines of defence

you or I
lines etched
on one facet
of a prism

reflections of place
refracted biographies
chromatic tonalities
scattered light

we squint
against the glare
to focus

on events
tides rising
water running
before the wind

human agency
no more than
an aspiration

you and I
lines in a story
we cannot unweave
© BH, 2020

It was a debate on a poetry page about writing first-person poems. One opinion was that they are self-indulgent. I didn’t agree… Well, there are I-poems and I-poems. I’m not in favour of directly writing autobiographically. Too often that becomes maudlin or chest-beatingly triumphal.

Then again, I’ve written plenty in the first person, slipping personal experience in there along with interpretation and speculation of the experiences of others.

A wrote a long response (of which the above is a distillate). Our experience is a conduit for what we write. Necessarily. The world exists inside our heads, comes in, goes out; we can’t divorce ourselves, the observers, from the act of observation.

It’s all very quantum, very systems-theory. Yes, that’s it, we are all caught up in quantum entanglement. Oh, what webs…

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