Thursday 20 December 2018


in the grey hours
showed as a doorway
through black dark,
marked time’s season
month upon month;
a flake of cloud faded
in sky-blue day
a pearl of sunlight
borrowed and thrown back,
gathered night’s gentle light.

Mother of tides
and the sea’s rising,
companion to the stars
in their cold constancy,
a face hung among planets,
quartered to a crescent,
a disc, waned to crescent again,
circling in the deep track
of heaven.
© BH, 1999/2018

The second something from the planetarium days. Just a fragment, originally ‘Sun and Moon’ and never quite completed. I opened it up and created a series of three - SunMoon, and Stars  Tried to put more of an edge on them. Fit for today’s even more fractured world.

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