Thursday 30 November 2023


a path of
flawed mind
a drawn blind
with intelligence
a wronged word,
too often misheard

infinity troops
select the intellect
let the CEOs
and keyboard jockeys
train the brain
their own lives
like isotopes

what we dream
what we stream
in one eye
blinds the other

we are smart
but have no art

vicarious emotions
stirred up commotion
and distilled
what we feel
is not real
© BH, 2023

Considerations of artificial intelligence. I’m working from a starting point that suggests whatever artificial is it derives from what current human intelligence supposes intelligence might be. Here we go amalgamating datasets from social media and the echoing but vacuous planetary conversation.

We’re building in the stereotypes and biases festered over millennia and unexamined still. We’re basing super-intelligence on our own flawed version of it. For all we know we’ll get artificial stupidity, artificial racism, sexism, every -ism under the sun. And let’s not forget, so much of our data-gathering relates to who can sell what to whom.

Would be unlikely, then, to find that artificial intelligence amounts to faster, creepier, less detectable ways in which huge corporates make money at the expense of their ‘consumers’. They have to sell us something, however useless, because robots and algorithms don’t really need stuff do they.

So, the robots will make it all, AI will sell it, regulate who gets it, control the markets, and a lucky few will get to be the human dogsbodies. The rest will be down at foodbank central begging for scraps. But the IT won’t care…

Have a read of this - from mid-2022:

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