Thursday 16 June 2022

darkness in the telling

whose munition

whose rain from the death of a sky
drowned the last ditches of home

what long road led us
petty-mouthed slogans
like blood-bubbles on the lips
earworm messages of hate

to kill the innocent

to protect the innocent

this ghosted fear we are made to carry
burns like metal in our wrung-out hands

and whose tongue

whose voice ever spoke the truth
without darkness in the telling

to protect the innocent
to kill the innocent

flesh but not our flesh
not our skin and bone

and whose finger points

whose hand dispenses fate
and doles out destruction

kill the innocent
to protect the innocent

in a cruel crusade
misadventure in disguise

and whose delusion

creates a wasteland
the boundary between

protection and threat

and whose heart

whose eyes will still not see
whose head does not hang in shame
© BH, 2022

Here’s the deal… In 2018 came the warning that we had eleven years to aver climate catastrophe.

[BBC News - Final call to save the world from 'climate catastrophe'

and a Headline in the Daily Mirror (!)
World has only 11 years to stop catastrophic climate change, experts warn]

Four years of that are more or less gone and now we’re bombing seven shades of shit out of each other - again.

I’m not going to take sides. This is about US. Collectively. One mad bastard starts a war and we’re all drawn back to business-as-usual. War-wise, at least. And the human catastrophe unfolds, refugees spill across the world from another quarter, cities go up in smoke, the reek of poison fills the air and the earth corrodes. Now we have a pretext for asking no more questions and not reckoning the mounting cost - environmentally, in lives and destruction, in the countdown to our coming oblivion. Hah! We’re oblivious already.

No sides worth taking. Do the math. Seven years left, people. Tick fucking tock. No time left to waste. Do you hear me?

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