words on stone
words on paper
books of words
libraries and churches
pages of scripture
before which we
bow down
but devotion is no excuse
to tear down our ancestors’ vain graffiti
as if by that act we save ourselves from sin
and the devout are sore afraid
that graven images will displace their gods
so afraid that they would turn the machinery of war
on statues and icons to blow their blasphemous stone
to kingdom come
meanwhile their holy books are gilded
in exotic bindings like treasure
holy tomes in dimly lit interiors
where reverence and adulation
masquerade as respect
dust is settling on ruins as I grieve
for a past murdered in fear as I grieve
at how we value zeal instead of faith as I grieve
at how we seek to rub out the stains of difference
even when the worn-down visions of the dead
no longer haunt our nights nor shatter our fragile belief
long ago the atavistic dead bowed to statuary
and knew no better but now we are come
to build monuments whose spires and domes
touch heaven herself
thus we lay tribute to our invisible and ineffable gods
our devotion has no place for idols and idolatry
and we must destroy all images in human shape
lest they mimic the faces of god and seduce us
and when our terrible work is done we kneel again
at the altars in our holy places kneel before the book itself
hands clasped in prayer we prostrate ourselves
and beg heavenly reward
we plead only this excuse our submission is not like theirs
we worship and obey the book and the stone altar
the robes and vestments are only symbols of our piety
heaven forbid
we do not worship the book
nor idolise the words within
© BH, 2018
Something on TV about Palmyra and how archaeologists were put to death for keeping the secret of treasured artefacts. It’s not a modern phenomenon, this iconoclasm. It’s the frenzied first step in the victors’ rewriting the history of their triumph. It seems to me a most irreligious thing to do. It speaks of the underlying fear that no victory could ever exorcise. Fear, and denial. As I say, heaven forfend that we should ever be so callous .
And it’s why I’ve capitalised nothing here. I don\t want to add any hint of reverence since none is due…
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