Sunday 21 June 2015


…rain fell
drizzle at first
then fine mist
no more than fog
until the wind came
blew water before it
downpour, torrent, deluge
an entire sky flooding…

 © BH 2015

Thanks to my friend, Carol, who referred to Ray Bradbury’s use of lists as the road into his creative thoughts. I remembered his introduction to Dandelion Wine (Just This Side of Byzantium) where he said,
“…I floundered into a word-association process in which I simply got out of bed each morning, walked to my desk, and put down any word or series of words that happened along in my head.”
Takes a kind of courage to follow this route. I’ve always believed in it but sometimes there’s a need to make it seem you actually did some work along the way.

Still, I wrote this. In as many seconds as it takes to read it over three times.

The image is taken from the cover of Dandelion Wine. The Earthlight paperback edition of 2000.

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