Wednesday 29 December 2010

Another Little Endian

I woke up with that phrase running through my head. Had to Google it. What I thought might be some cosmic concept about the end of days, when the universe finally interplodes and starts again from diddly, turned out to be a term for data storage.

Disappointed, I read on. Little Endian stores the least important value first while Big Endian does the opposite. Then they store data in any order anyway. By the time I got to the bit about Reduced Information Set, TCP/IP and the extremely good reasons for these arrangements, I was ready to go back to bed.

Afterwards, though, it occurred to me that, when it comes to eating I'm Little Endian. In fact, I'm pretty sure we can divide the human race into Big and Little Endian eaters. Provided they have enough to eat, that is.

When I eat food, pizza, for example, I eat the least tasty parts first. I eat the crusty bits before the cheesy stuff. I save the best (in my estimation) till last. But I know of those who get wired in to the cheese and pepperoni straight away. They might even leave the crusty bits. To me that's impatience, but each to their own.

Maybe I'll start a Little Endian Food Forum or maybe set up a Facebook page. If that sounds suitably pointless, consider this. The internet is Little Endian in its data storage. If its use is too, what else should we expect? The least important things have priority, then everything else is chucked in at random. Oh what a world! 

I think my Big End has gone.
© BH 2010

Actually, it's a bit OCD. I fully admit, part of me is further up the male-spectrum-behaviour chart than many. I mean, I do like sorting screws. Or nails for that matter. Maybe it's a man thing. Sorting the CDs into alphabetical order of the years of the composer's birth.

In my case, how I eat pizza. It's not a curse. I enjoy it. It's logical to me.

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