Tuesday 19 March 2019

Doors and Ways

Can’t be room for everyone…

We think…

There comes a point when
the whole sorry sham is evident.

No-one is anyone;
doors and doorways
lead elsewhere,
to places we imagine
we might belong.


We are all looking for the door…

Those who think
they have found it learn
there is more than one.

Some learn there are
doorways and doors with keys.

Some know that doorways
are where you sleep…

…because the doors
are locked to keep
outsiders out.

Can’t be room for everyone…

They think…
© BH, 2019

Based on my blog note for Outsiders, this is an update. Well, rather, it's a poem based on the notes for Outsiders. Just a reflection / response to some social media comment, really.

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