Wednesday 16 November 2011


The expressions of the stars,
Too small for smiles
Twinkle in the heartstrings of Heaven

Then the spheres collide
And in colliding merge
Atoms through atoms.
Shells of energy sharing
Momentary electrons
All so unpredictable.
The music of the spheres
Is how the quanta interact,
How the talking cosmos
Whispers above the heat of nothing.
Passing in what was a moment,
In what is a moment,
Or will be,
The body of which we are part
Passes through itself.

A hand through an eye,
A heart beating on a heart.
All substance is empty
But for the atom’s heart
That nucleus of time.

© BH 2000

This belongs in a poem cycle, Initialising, which lives here. It's finished at last after nearly twenty years. Ah well, it's an enduring universe.

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